Interview February 2018

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Colours Of Love

In the spirit of the Month of Love, we have put together an edition with every interview a potential headliner.

We had almost decided on an all-female edition, with the interview on sex toys with Iheoma Obibi as lead, when we got the interview with the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Mahmood Yakubu.

We switched. Not because the sex toy story would not have covered the magazine well, but because Nigerians are inexplicably in love with politics every time, including in February traditionally devoted to romance.

Yet you’ll find both Yakubu and Obibi hard to put down for the depth and quality of what they said.

The interviews with oil tycoon turned politician, Dr. SKC Ogbonnia and Toyosi Ogunseye, who was recently appointed the Head, BBC, West Africa, and other line-ups in this edition convey our effort to share love in its variety and colours.



The Interview Magazine

Written by The Interview Magazine

The Interview is a niche publication, targeting leaders and aspiring leaders in business, politics, entertainment, sports, arts, the professions and others within society’s upper middle class and high-end segment.