Trump Orders US Flags Lowered To Half-Staff In Honour Of American COVID-19 Victims

He also noted that the lowering of flags on Monday would be in honour of Americans in the Military, who died serving their country.

President Donald Trump of the United States.
President Donald Trump of the United States.

The American President, Donald Trump, has ordered American flags on all Federal Buildings and National Monuments in America to be lowered to half-staff for three days in honour of Americans who died as a result of COVID-19.

Trump disclosed this via his Twitter handle on Friday.

He said, “I will be lowering the flags on all Federal Buildings and National Monuments to half-staff over the next three days in memory of the Americans we have lost to the CoronaVirus”.

He also noted that the lowering of flags on Monday would be in honour of Americans in the Military, who died serving their country.

“On Monday, the flags will be at half-staff in honor of the men and women in our Military who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Nation,” Trump said.

The United States has recorded about 1,621,727 cases of COVID-19, 382,244 recoveries while 96,377 have died from the pandemic, according to Worldometer.

The Interview Editors

Written by The Interview Editors

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