Obasanjo’s Goodwill Toward Buhari Irrelevant – Farouk Adamu Aliyu

Former House of Representatives member, says no one should give the APC conditions for or not auditing the February 23 elections, and that whosoever isn’t satisfied should go to court.

Farouk Adamu Aliyu says the governors and others suspended by the APC connived with other parties to undermine the ruling party's success at the February 23 elections
Farouk Adamu Aliyu says the governors and others suspended by the APC connived with other parties to undermine the ruling party's success at the February 23 elections

A former member of the House of Representatives and top member of the APC, Farouk Adamu Aliyu, said President Buhari has no use for the goodwill of former President Olusegun Obasanjo who wanted him out of office:

Some former leaders have been silent on President Muhammadu Buhari‘s victory at the elections. Former President Obasanjo in particular has refused to congratulate the president. Do you think this indicates his opposition to Buhari’s government and is it important for him to congratulate the president?

First of all, I am not going to respond to whether they are in opposition or not. I don’t care. But sadly, their opinion does not matter in this country. What matters is that the people of this country and the people have spoken. You see everybody is going about his or her business. It doesn’t matter whether they congratulate the president or not.

There is a debate about what will be in the country’s best interest considering the division brought on by the election. Should Atiku Abubakar to go to court or concede defeat?

This is entirely Atiku’s business. It will be unfair for anyone to frame this around the interest of the country. The best interest of the country is the rule of law. So, if Atiku feels shortchanged, he is entitled to go to court. Nobody can stop him.

I don’t think it will be fair for anybody to say, if Atiku goes to court, it is against the interest of the country. He is entitled to his opinion, whatever he thinks is best for him. If he thinks he can go to court and test his argument, then why not?

Investigations are ongoing to figure out what happened, where and when. The government is duty bound to investigate and punish the perpetrators. These killings are not going to be swept under the carpet.

There are those calling for an election audit, which is to probe all that went wrong and assign blame and that will include the killings, kidnappings and allegations of voter suppression in some states. Will APC agree to this if the PDP concedes defeats?

It shouldn’t be a condition. Nobody should give APC conditions for auditing or not auditing of the elections. As of now, it rests with the courts. So, if anybody wants the audit of anything, he should go to court.

They shouldn’t concede defeat, and then say go to court. If they want to contest the integrity of the elections, they should to court, and let the court decide.

People were killed during the elections. Will APC agree to investigate this especially when it comes to the role of security agencies?

I am sure APC is going to investigate the killings. In fact, investigations are ongoing to figure out what happened, where and when. The government is duty bound to investigate and punish the perpetrators. These killings are not going to be swept under the carpet. They are being investigated. That I assure you.

Coming to the suspension of two governors and a minister by the party, did the National Working Committee of the party give them fair hearing?

Yes. All of these people have gone against the interest of the party by conniving with other parties to undermine our success in their states. The National Working Committee acted in the best interest of the party.

The best interest of the country is the rule of law. So, if Atiku feels shortchanged, he is entitled to go to court. Nobody can stop him. I don’t think it will be fair for anybody to say, if Atiku goes to court, it is against the interest of the country

Were they allowed to present their own case to the working committee and to their party?

That I don’t know. But I am sure there is a process. That is why they have been suspended. You can be suspended while investigations are ongoing.

Is there a procedure for them to contest their suspension?

Absolutely. Now they have the right to contest their suspension and I am sure they are doing so if they have the intention of staying in the party.

The public generally is calling on the President to shake up his cabinet. Where does the party stand on this?

I am sure the president will consult the party in forming his cabinet. That, I am sure of.

The Interview Editors

Written by The Interview Editors

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