India’s COVID-19 death-toll had passed 400,000 on Friday, making it the third country after the U. S. and Brazil to pass the grim milestone.
Half of the fatalities had been reported during a virulent second wave that peaked in April and May which overwhelmed its healthcare systems and crematoria.
In the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry recorded 853 deaths related to Coronavirus, bringing the total tally to 400,312.
Over 46,600 new infections were reported during the same time, taking the 1.3-billion-plus country’s caseload to 30.4 million, it said.
The last 100,000 deaths had been reported in just 39 days, since May 24, the figures showed.
India’s toll is third behind U.S and Brazil’s, 605,013 and 520,095 respectively while it ranks second in terms of cases behind the U.S’s 33.7 million infections.
Among the 10 countries worst-hit by the pandemic, India’s deaths per million population is by far the lowest at 287 compared to between 1,000 and 2,000 for France, Mexico, the U.S and Britain, the Times of India daily reported.
Experts, however, say both Coronavirus infections and related deaths in India were likely much higher due to undercounting by government agencies.
India’s COVID-19 chart has shown improvement over the past weeks with the waning of the second wave that at its peak registered over 4,000 deaths and 400,000 cases every day.
India’s main challenge remains vaccinating its huge population amid the threat of a third wave.
So far, only 4.5 per cent of India’s population had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.