
Ministerial List: President Buhari In Violation of Disability Act – David Anyaele

David Anyaele, the Executive Director, Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), says that President Muhammadu Buhari should have at least three competent persons with disabilities in his cabinet to ensure inclusion of PWDs in governance.

David Anyaele is the executive directoe of Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) / Photo credit: Facebook page

Since the disability bill was passed and assented to by the president, how would you rate compliance to the law in the country?

Rating the compliance now is too early, acknowledging that we just inaugurated the second term tenure of President Muhammadu Bahari, the president is yet to form his cabinet, which is expected to establish the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities.

The role of the commission is critical to the full implementation of the Act. On our part at CCD, we have developed a strategic implementation plan that would guide our intervention to support government implementation of the Act.

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamiala, recently appointed a PWD among his aides. How does that make you feel?

This is commendable. It shows that the honourable speaker is committed to the full implementation of the Act, especially part 6, section 29 of the National Disability Act.

We call on the President to send at least three names of competent persons with disabilities as Ministerial nominees to enable equal participation, inclusion and ensure persons with disabilities are not left behind in governance

In spite of the passage and assent of the disability law, over 25m PWDS do not have a representative in the recently released ministerial list. Isn’t this contrary to the law?

We are concerned that no persons with disabilities made the list of ministerial nominees. This is a complete disregard to section 29 of the Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act.

The President is aware of the Disability Act and its provisions which prohibit all forms of discrimination on the grounds of disability.

We call on the President to send at least three names of competent persons with disabilities as Ministerial nominees to enable equal participation, inclusion and ensure persons with disabilities are not left behind in governance.

Is there a deliberate effort to remind the president of the inclusion of PWDS in his government?

Yes. The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities recently held a press conference to raise the issue. We are conducting public sensitisation using the media to draw the attention of all on the need to implement the Disability Act

Looking at the list, what should Nigerians expect from this administration?

With the exclusion of Nigerians with disabilities in the ministerial list, is a pointer that stakeholders must be on vigilance as the future of Nigerians with disabilities with the passage of the Disability Act is still bleak.

Written by The Interview Editors

The Interview is a niche publication, targeting leaders and aspiring leaders in business, politics, entertainment, sports, arts, the professions and others within society’s upper middle class and high-end segment in Nigeria.

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